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Anatomy program.

Task 1.
Human skeleton: the total structure. 206 bones.

Task 2.
The front part: eye socket, nasal bone, cheekbone, upper jaw, lower jaw.
Brain: The frontal bone, temporal bone, parietal bone, occipital bone, external acoustic poradenolymphitis, mastoid.
Objective: Draw the skull in various turns.
Material and format: ½ a sheet, pencil.

Task 3
Skeleton of the torso.
Chest: manubrium of sternum, sternum-clavicular joint, sword-shaped bone, 12 ribs, rib arch, Lewis's thoracic angle, 12 thoracic vertebrae.
Objective: Draw chest in 2 turns.
Material and format: ½ a sheet, pencil.

Task 4.
Shoulder line.
Clavicle, jugular fossa.
Scapula: rostral bone, akromion, spine of scapula, sebaceous surface, lower angle, joint cavity, medial edge.
Spinal column and vertebrae: section 4: Cervical lordosis, thoracic kordosis, lumbar lordosis, sacral kyphosis, 7 cervical vertebrae.

Task 5.
Pelvic girdle.
Pelvic bones: sidebone, pubis, ischiadic bone, sacral bone, coccygeal bone, upper back respiratory axis, respiratory crest, acetabulum.
Bone protuberances on the surface of the rear of the body: bone bearded of the 7th vertebrae, the lower angle of the scapula, upper back respiratory axis, sacral bone.
Bone protuberances on the surface of the front part of the body: upper front respiratory axis, thorax and jugular fossa.

Task 6.
Skeletal upper limbs.
Shoulder bone: a large protuberance of the shoulder bone, medial epicondyle.
Ulna: ulnar bone, belemnold.
Radial bone: head of the radial bone.
Hand: wrist bone - 8k., metacarpal bones - 5k., phalanx of fingers - 3 - 2 f.

Task 7.
Skeletal lower limbs.
Femur: lesser trochanter, greater trochanter, cerbix, head of the femur, lateral epicondyle, medial condyle, medial epicondyle.
Knee ball.
Lower leg:
tibia: medial ankle.
fibula: head, lateral ankle.

Task 8.
Astragalus, heel bone, navicular bone, first sphenoid - 3k., cuboid.
Phalanx of toes: the first metatarsal bone, phalanx of the big toe.
Task - task 4,5,6,7,8.
Draw a given subject in different corners and angles.
Material and size of ½ a sheet, paper, pencil.

Task 9.
Mimic muscles of a human.
Sfrontal belly of occipitofrontal muscle, muscle, shrinking eyebrows, circular muscle of eye, muscle, raising the upper lip and nose, muscle, raising the upper lip, large malar muscle, small malar muscle, laughing muscle, chewing muscle, muscle, raising a corner of the mouth , muscle, lowering the angle of the mouth, circular muscle of the mouth, muscle, lowering the lower lip, mentalis.

Task 10.
The first cervical vertebra, atlant, the second cervical vertebrae, axial, cross-bone, intervertebral disc, acantha of the first thoracic vertebrae, trachea, annular cartilage, thyroid cartilage, hyoid, nuchal ligament, the upper line of attachment of the nuchal ligament, the sternum-clavicular-mastoid muscle, trapezoidal muscle, the front triangle of the neck (shoulder-clavicular triangle), the rear triangle of the neck (shoulder-trapezoidal triangle).

Task 11.
Chest Muscle.
Large breast muscle: breast head, clavicular head.
Small breast muscle, serratus anterior.

Task 12.
Abdominal muscles.
Large abdominal muscle, abdominal external oblique muscle, abdominal internal oblique muscle.

Task 13.
Back muscles.
Longissimus muscle, spinalis muscle, respiratory rib muscle, lumbar quadrate muscle, the broadest dorsi, trapezoidal muscle, muscle, raising the shoulder blade, small rhombic muscle, large rhombic muscle, splenius muscle of neck, upper back seratuss muscle.

Task 14.
Shoulder muscles.
Deltoid muscle, rostral-shoulder muscle, biceps.
Triceps: lateral head, longitudinal head.

Task 15.
Muscles of the dorsal surface of the shoulder blades.
Supraspinous muscle, infraspinatus muscle, musculus teres minor, musculus teres major.

Task 16.
The front group of muscles, forearm (flexors).
The deep muscular system: instep-raiser, pronator round, pronator square, long flexor of the thumb of the hand, deep finger flexor,
Superficial muscular system: surface finger flexor, brachioradial muscle, radiant flexor of the wrist, long palmar muscle, elbow flexor of the wrist.
The rear group of muscles of the forearm (extensors).
Muscles of the wrist and fingers: ulnar extensor of the wrist, long radial extensor of the wrist, short radial extensor of the wrist, extensor of the index finger, small finger extensor, finger extensor.
Task: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 are performed in one angle on the whatman drawing paper with a pencil.

Task 17.
Back turn.
The task is performed in 4 turns on the ½ of a whatman paper, pencil.

Task 18.
Hand in various rotations.
The task is performed in different rotations of the hand on ½ a sheet. Material - pencil.

Task 19.
Hand in different rotations (supination and pronation).
The task is performed in different rotations. ½ a sheet, pencil.

Task 20.
Thigh muscle.
Adductors (adductor muscles): plicate, long adductor, short adductor, thin muscle, large adductor muscle.
Thigh quadriceps muscle: direct thigh muscle, wide lateral thigh muscle, an intermediate broad thigh muscle, medial large thigh muscle.
Longitudinal muscle, inguinal ligament, side psoas muscle, large gluteus, middle gluteus, small gluteus, broad fascia, the tensor of fasciae latae, side psoas tract.

Muscles of the thigh and foot.
anterior tibia muscle, salens muscle, calfmuscle, superior extensor retinaculum of foot, inferior extensor retinaculum of foot, large extensor of the thumb, third peroneal muscle, large extensor of the fingers, long peroneal muscle, short flexor of the thumb, short flexor of the fingers, achilles tendon, an additional finger extensor, popliteal muscle, musculus plantaris.

Task 20.
Drawing of the rear and the front. ½ a sheet, pencil.

Task 21.
Knee joint. The structure and movement in it.
The task is performed in different rotations. ½ a sheet, pencil.

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