савостюк олег михайлович школа живописи обучение рисунок живопись графика москва научиться рисовать живописная московская школа продажа картин продаются картины акварель акварели гуашь акрил темпера масло композиция декоративно-прикладное искусство история искусства лепка цветоведение перспектива продажа картин продаются картины живопись графика станковая графика карандашный рисунок пастель тушь офорт линогравюра гравюра литография плакат акварель ретушь монотипия сангина сепия ксилография оттиск акватинта соус шелк батик уголь шелкография сухая игла резьба гравировка скульптура монументальное искусство декоративно-прикладное искусство народные промыслы керамика миниатюрная живопись эмаль роспись фарфор бисквит фаянс цветное стекло хрусталь глина глазурь акварели портреты на заказ с фото фотографии фотография частное домашнее любительское эротическое фото роспись стены фреска фрески заказать акварельный портрет обучение живописи батику лепке рисованию маленьких детей взрослых с нуля рисование анатомия ню обнаженная модель эротический рисунок углем обнаженной модели гипсовые головы слепки натюрморты пейзажи станковые жанровые композиции живописная детская школа для взрослых москва работы художников изобразительное искусство художники россии оформление дизайн интерьеров купить

Schedule of the program


Drawings of trees: sketches of one or a group of trees.
Objective: Draw different trees: oak, birch, aspen, osier, etc., to trace the characteristics of the structure of the tree, its nature.
Material: pencils, paper A4, A2.
Drawings of rural landscapes.
Objective: to spatially portray the landscape (trees, clouds, rural estate).
Materials: pencil, charcoal, water colors black.
Drawings of antiquity (frames, interesting carved gates, etc.).
Objective: A close examination of the historical heritage of Russian people.
Materials: pencil, paper A2, A4.
Drawings of different household items (cups, spoons, plates, etc.).
Objective: Careful detailed study of small objects, their characteristics.
Materials: pencil, paper A4.
Animal drawings.
Objective: A careful study of the structure of animals and their movements.
Material: at own choice, paper - at own choice.
City landscape.
Objective: drawings of the historic sites of the city, interesting and beautiful estates, houses, courtyards, streets, etc.
Material: at own choice, paper - at one choice.
Drawing interesting details of city streets (lamps, grates, gates, etc.).
Objective: A careful study of natural objects.
Materials: pencil, paper A2, A3.
Drawing people in the interior and exterior.
Objective: Draw people that are engaged in some kind of an activity. Gathering material for future compositions.
Materials: pencil, paper A4.


Sketch of the landscape in the morning.
Objective: Use of color relations, characteristic of the morning, a special richness.
Material: paper at own selection - A4, A2.
Sketch of the landscape in the afternoon.
Objective: Use color solutions, inherent in daylight, track lighting, shadow.
Material: paper at own selection - A4, A2.
Evening landscape.
Objective: Use of color relation, characteristic of the evening.
Material: paper at own selection - A4, A2.
Sketch of the urban landscape in overcast weather.
Objective: Transmission of the rain, puddles, reflection, reflexes.
Material: paper at own selection - A4, A2.
Still life in the sun.
Objective: Set still life with a white cloth and flowers in the vase, and then draw it. Track color relations at the plane.
Material: paper at own choice - A4, A2.
Still life in the shade of a tree.
Objective: Set still life with bright drapes and dark colors, apples. Sketch.
Material: paper at own choice - A4, A2.
Still Life on the grass: apples on fabric in the plate.
Objective: Draw a sketch. Carefully track features of lighting on the plane.
Material: paper at own choice - A4, A2.
Sketch of the human head on the plane.
Objective: Track particular features of the richness.
Material: paper at own selection - A4, A2.
Sketch of the human figure.
Objective: Interestingly compound the figure in the format. Use color relations.
Material: paper at own selection - A2, A3.

Task 1. «Summer» topic.
Objective: Compound, in the format of one sheet, one or two people in the outside environment.
Material: paper at own selection - A2, A3.

Task 2. «Where I spend my summer» topic.
Objective: Compound in the format of one sheet, with humans or animals.
Material: paper at own selection - A2, A3.

Task 3. Free topic drawing
Material: paper at own selection - A2, A3.

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