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Art history.
Course volume – 34 hours.

Explanatory note.
    The main goal of talks on the history of art, is the creation of an inner world of children, development of their creative capabilities and foster of good taste. History of art offers a wealth of material for creativity, aids in development of sense of beauty, the development of artistic erudition, which is due to the personal interest of the arts, creative study of art history.
During the talk, students make sketches and rough drawings, fantasize, try to transfer the era and time.
The principle of reliance on the creative activity of students is very important, the students acquire practical skills of self-analysis of works of art.
It is important to remember that in order to awaken the creative activity of students, they need to face such issues, which on the one hand would be impossible for them, and on the other - would excite them, stir up considerable interest. This work will find very useful the contact with local art and history museums.
During history of art lessons, students receive elementary knowledge on the types and genres of art, get familiar with the rich history of Moscow and Russian cities.
Information about Russian art gives an extensive picture of our great historic, artistic heritage: the iconography, popular printing, architecture, sculpture, painting and applied art.
Extensive understanding of the culture of the peoples of Russia, is granted by the lectures on folk trades: folk toys, carpet weaving, costume of people, etc.

Approximate theme schedule

Approximate theme plan

1. Introductory talk. 1 hour
2. Types and genres of art. 1 hour
3. Acquaintance with the history of the city of Moscow. 7 hours
4. The history of cities in Russia. 5 hours
5. Russian art (icons, splint, architecture, sculpture, painting). 5 hours
6. Applied art (handicrafts: toys, carpet weaving, pottery, trays, costumes, etc.). 5 hours
7. Russian artists of Russia. 5 hours
8. Foreign Art (architecture, sculpture, painting). 5 hours

Total hours: 34 hours

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